Grounded in Tradition. Anything but Ordinary.


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By e-mailing Milton, Laurence & Dixon, LLP, its attorneys, or any other Milton, Laurence & Dixon, LLP employee, you are not creating a lawyer-client relationship unless and until an agreement has been reached between you and the firm to handle a particular matter. Please do not convey to Milton, Laurence & Dixon, LLP, its attorneys, or any other Milton, Laurence & Dixon, LLP employee any information that you regard as confidential until such an agreement is reached and a formal lawyer-client relationship has been established. Any information conveyed by you to Milton, Laurence & Dixon, LLP, its attorneys, or any other Milton, Laurence & Dixon, LLP employees prior to establishing a lawyer-client relationship may not be privileged or confidential. 


The contents of this website are posted for informational purposes only and may constitute advertising pursuant to Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Rule 3:07.

Applicable Law

This website is created and controlled by Milton, Laurence & Dixon, LLP in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. As such, the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will govern these disclaimers, terms and conditions, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of laws.

Some of the content on this website may be considered advertising material under the applicable rules of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and in other jurisdictions. Milton, Laurence & Dixon, LLP reserves the right to make changes to this website and these disclaimers, terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

Please note that the activities of this website are not intended to constitute activity in any foreign jurisdiction or to be the solicitation of business from out-of-state residents. 

The attorneys at Milton, Laurence & Dixon, LLP may not be licensed to practice in your jurisdiction.